What is the fate of men who doesn’t care for his wife and children in hardship?
Discy Latest Questions
সকালে ও সন্ধ্যায় আপনারা কি কি আমল কেন করে থাকেন জানালে আমিও করতাম এবং উপকৃত হতাম। ইনশাআল্লাহ
I am 14 and I want to revert to Islam so I’m learning how to pray and I don’t want to miss any prayers but in school it’s very hard because then you would get sent to isolation ...
if one of my family members own a dog, and they keep it in the house.. when i pray and find dog fur on my clothes afterwards, is my prayer invalid?
নামাজের সময় সূরা পড়ার আগে কি বিসমিল্লাহ বলতে হয়? বিশেষ করে যখন তাশাহুদ, দুরুদ শরীফ পড়তে হয়।
there is a girl i want to marry and she wants to marry me we havent done anything besides talking to eachother for a year and we are certain by now that we would like to marry eachother ...
I’m in a haram relationship … I want to stop it for the sake of Dheen.. but I don’t want to hurt the other person… I don’t know how to end it… I don’t want to end it ...
I want to be religious again and I felt like I needed some support and positivity and Muslim friends
I usually greeted everyone with salam but recently i saw a video where they said it is haram to greet non Muslim with salam.