I am a very recent revert and was wondering how others change bad habits they have? I grew up in a catholic family so this is very new to me. Please do not judge. I am trying to ...
Discy Latest Questions
I want to convert to islam? What are the procedure as a woman?
Assalmualaikom. I’m a new revert. I’d just like to know what Kalima is? Jazak’Allah.
What is the fate of men who doesn’t care for his wife and children in hardship?
I have heard people say that dua after every fard namaz alone is bidah, if I only recite ayat ul kursi and the dua “rabana atina fidunya hasanatau fa fil akhirati hasanatau wakina azab un nar” after every ...
I’m in a haram relationship … I want to stop it for the sake of Dheen.. but I don’t want to hurt the other person… I don’t know how to end it… I don’t want to end it ...
I usually greeted everyone with salam but recently i saw a video where they said it is haram to greet non Muslim with salam.
Assalamualaikum, Hello everyone, I am 22 year old girl and currently I am studying and also start preparing for competitive exam. For the last several days I have been trying to get up for the Tahajjud prayer and ...
আমি যোহরের ওয়াক্তে বাসা থেকে সফরের জন্য বের হলে যদি আসর ওয়াক্তেও সফররত অবস্থাতেই থাকতে হয় তাহলে কি যোহরের সাথে আসর বাসাতেই মিলিয়ে পড়ে বের হওয়া যাবে? নাকি আসরের ওয়াক্তে দুই রাকাত সফর রত অবস্থাতেই পড়তে হবে?
I heard that I can make Dua while in prostration and it’s one of the best time for it to be accepted by Allah. Is there any hadith about this? Also I know if I talk in salah ...