Assalamualyakum warahmathullahi wabarakathuhu
This question is from personal experience. I have qadath salah that I need to catch up on these salah was missed salah when I had calculated the end of the menses cycle in correctly and during the time I was younger. I have kept it pending for a while and slowly now and then I do try my best to allocate time for them so far I am focused on finishing the qadha salah that I missed during the time of menses but even then I find it difficult as I have to allocate time and the thought of having so many to complete demotivates me to complete it . The salah I missed after coming of age 2 years ago I have asked for repentance as I know if I was to try and complete them it will affect the obligatory prayers I do this may not be as relatable to you or you may not understand but whenever I have missed salah to complete I feel fatigued and despondent to pray my fardh. I do end up praying but it leads me to delaying my salah. I want to get to a stage where I no longer have qadha salah as I know that the consequence of not praying is being raised on the day of judgment with the disbelievers and pharoh.
Please offer you advice or share you experiences.
Assalammu alaikum wrhmatullahi wabaraktuh dear sister ,
First of all may Allah bless you and reward you for your efforts to try your best to pray your qadha salah , May Allah strengthen you even more in your deen . Ameen .
Regarding your missed salah :
1) I’m not sure from your question but if you are praying qadha for the salats missed DURING your menses , this is wrong as there is no need to do so .
2) but if it is due to miscalculation of the END of the menses , then performing qadha is valid .
If the 2nd case is what you are referring to please click on the following links :
This is from the best of my knowledge and I hope it is correct.
I’ve included an image by mistake