Assalamualyakum warahmathullahi wabarakathuhu
I have a qeury based on a hadith from sahih bukhari. One of the hidith was on sajdah sahu it describes how prophet Muhammed peace be upon him had only preformed shortend amount of rakats for maghrib at the end of the salah he was informed about it and asked the others present if it was true after he completed his salah and performed sajdah sahu my question are 1. are you allowed to complete the rest of the salah even if it only 1 rakat, 2. Will you have to pray all 3 rakats again 3. Does sajda sahu apply when you make a mistake in a surah but rectify it afterwards?
Kind regards
Assalamualaikum. For the first question I think the answer is yes, and if you missed 2 for example I think you would have to pray the last 1 if you didn’t do it and not 3 all over again. As for the mistake I think correcting yourself is enough but you can also not correct yourself and just do sujood as sahw. Assalamualaikum
Assalammu alaikum wrhmatullahi wabaraktuh, I’m not sure if your still confused regarding this matter since it’s been a long time since you posted the question , but if your still not sure I will try to answer it …. please reply to this if you still haven’t gotten the answer….