I make dua for that one specific person to be my wife after every salah. Every time i asked allah to give her hedayat and i absolutely respect her. But also in the mean time i’m losing my ...
Discy Latest Questions
I am 19yrs old. As a Moslem, is it bad to have a girlfriend?
If a person is sick can he/she pray and fast? What are Islamic ways to pray for his/her health? Also, can a person that is sick with a long-term illness go to hajj? What are other ways she ...
Assalamualyakum warahmathullahi wabarakathuhu This question is from personal experience. I have qadath salah that I need to catch up on these salah was missed salah when I had calculated the end of the menses cycle in correctly and during ...
Assalamualyakum warahmathullahi wabarakathuhu I have a qeury based on a hadith from sahih bukhari. One of the hidith was on sajdah sahu it describes how prophet Muhammed peace be upon him had only preformed shortend amount of rakats for ...
I am a very recent revert and was wondering how others change bad habits they have? I grew up in a catholic family so this is very new to me. Please do not judge. I am trying to ...
This is a question for the admin of the app. Please can you add Khalifa al-Tunaiji as one of the reciters? Mashallah, I find his style so beautiful and soothing and I want to learn to recite like him. But ...