I want to know how our nabi got married in a proper Islamic way like not in the way of how people do now how our beloved nabi did and how explain everything please
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I heard that I can make Dua while in prostration and it’s one of the best time for it to be accepted by Allah. Is there any hadith about this? Also I know if I talk in salah ...
I am a new muslimah I am wondering is u dont know arabic can u pray in English
I’ve got a very bad habit of doing a sin and repeating it after that I regret doing it, after a few day I repeat the same thing and regret it. I’m scared that god won’t forgive me!
I am 19yrs old. As a Moslem, is it bad to have a girlfriend?
আসসালামু আলায়কুম, আপনাদের সবাইকে অনুরোধ করছি আল্লাহর রাসূল সাল্লাল্লাহু আলাইহি ওয়া সাল্লাম যেভাবে সালাত ও সবকিছু আদায় করেছেন ও আমাদের আদায় করতে বলেছেন সেভাবেই ¤সবকিছু রেফারেন্স সহ বলবেন,লিখবেন ও বর্ননা করবেন¤ আল্লাহ যেন আপনাদের ও আমাদের কবুল করুন, ...
If a person is sick can he/she pray and fast? What are Islamic ways to pray for his/her health? Also, can a person that is sick with a long-term illness go to hajj? What are other ways she ...