I am a Sunni but I’ve fallen for a Shia but he’s not those types of Shia that do the blood ceremony. After doing my own research on shia’ism I discovered there’s three types and I’ve asked him about his faith and he has told me he doesn’t participate in any blood festival and doesn’t have that hand sign or that ya Ali flag in his faith. I’m willing to marry him as I believe Muslim is Muslim but my family hates shias however I’m willing to try and talk to them. I can’t find anywhere in the Quran where it says it’s not permissible like my family and doubt there is any and it’s just a cultural thing but am still wanting to get advice on this. Thank you for reading.
Truth be told, all I know is that, it was said for Muslim women to marry a Muslim men. Being a Sunni or Shia doesn’t matter, afterall, Muslim is Muslim. HOWEVER, do keep in mind of the differences. It will and could affect your marriage life.
If your parent reject the idea, you CAN ask for a different wali.
Make a list of 7 to 8 things that you won’t tolerate and listen to his, then go from there. Make use of the Nikah and ask question that actually really matter. Like polygamy, live style, friend group, job, if you’ll stay with his family, if you guys will settle elsewhere, criminal history, family health, etc.
So long as you are satisfied with his piety and his character, that should fine. Being compatible is a plus.