Assalamualaikum Ya Rahmatullahi Wa Bakaratuh.
I am planning to attend Hajj next year In Sha Allah. But I want to prepare myself in every way from today, so that I can shape myself in the best way possible. Kindly can someone suggest me daily guideline of Amals to perform apart from regular Salah and Quran recitation?
i have a few tips! when i do these my luck increases and my dua gets accepted more quickly. i hope these will help you:)
• pray tahujjud prayer, a prayer after midnight and before fajr prayer. allah is on the lowest of heavens at this time so your duas get accepted almost instantly. its also very peaceful too, and can be from 2 rakkat to even more! this is optional but i strongly recommend!
• say ‘allahu akbar’ when you go upstairs and ‘subhanallah’ when you go downstairs, this is a sunnah and sunnahs meen more good deeds. it gives you luck too, whenever there is a spider or something on the stairs it never touches me but touches my siblings:0