- I’ve been going through a lot of pressure lately. My personal and academic lives have been so difficult that I developed severe anxiety. And I am only disappointing my parents with mh results. I can’t find a way to stay motivated and confident. I pray tahajjud regularly and ask Allah to help me. But I don’t know if I am doing anything wrong with my prayers that I still can’t get rid of the hopelessness and shine better . Is there any way to connect more to Allah and get rid of this anxiety and keep my parents happy
How to get rid of hopelessness
পবিত্র মাহে রমজান মাস এ বেশি বেশি করে কোরআন শরীফ তেলাওয়াত ও তাহাজ্জুদ নামায আদায় করতে থাকেন। দোয়া ও শুভকামনা রইলো। ইনশাআল্লাহ্ আমিন ভালো ফল পাবেন।
Firstly you should do repeatedly istegfar for your duas to get answer quickly, Secondly, if you are praying tahajjud and you aren’t seeing a difference that’s because what you are doing right is the right thing for you for now, your duas will get answer, keep Tawakkul and sabr, you are right now where you need to be, just keep going with the flow and it will take you to right place, don’t stop your istegfar and tahajjud because that’s the key to success.