Salaam i am 17 years old, there is someone that used to love me for 5 years but doesnt anymore, they have lost “feelings” for me. I been trying to pray for them since november and today i woke up with a dream about her and it really upset me because i wish to spend my life with her and i would do anything for us to work. Life feels so hard right now and i always have dreams about her and me and i wish we are meant to be. what can i do?
You are still very young and will eventually grow more mature and get over it. In the meantime take up some hobbies to distract yourself from her and try not to think about her. There are many more women in the world.
If you really love her then send a merrage proposal to her parents, The only and halal way to get together, but if you both have been in haram relation then ofcourse one of you will lost feelings for each other, if you want real love do nikkah. or if there is no way to get her then do sabar and make sure to distract your self with some good activities. Allah will send someone you deserve.
come on brother you are still young or i can say child you will not love her when you are in 22 The same thing happened with me i live a girl since childhood now i don’t have feelings for her but my family forced me to marry her so i left my house
Same thing happened to me akhi. Make dua that Allah removes your emotional attachment with the girl and reduces the pain from leaving her. Understand that if Allah has separated you from her, there is a reason for that. Trust in the wisdom of Allah and remember that it is better for you this way brother. Assalamu alaikum